Our Good Naymz

As someone who spends a considerable amount of time online, I notice that social networking is become more and more important. It is a great way to get our name or service out too. Also, most people have now gotten into the habit of checking the names of people online, especially people whom they have just met.

Naymz is a social reputation website that allows us a platform to bring out our good name. No matter if you are a free member or a paid member, once signed up, you can start to beef up your profile with real information that you would like others to know about. You can also provide references. The administrators of Naymz will randomly assign a reputation score to member profiles.

As an example, the RepScore of Dan Neumeister is TWO. If not mistaken, the maximum RepScore is TEN.

Oh yes, by the way, the tagline of Naymz is “Empowering Reputable Professionals” but I am not sure if membership is limited to professionals only. If it is, then I would not be eligible to sign up!

Free Printable Sudoku Puzzles

Image courtesy of Free Printable Sudoku Puzzles

My sister introduced Sudoku, a Japanese puzzle, to me some time back. She says she is addicted to solving them. Me, I gave up after a while. I am never good with numbers. Heck, I can’t even spell Sudoku right. Sometimes, I may think that it is Sodoku and sometimes even Sukodo. Whatever it is, I HAVE GIVEN UP!

My sister asked me to help her find free printable Sudoku, which I did. She says she is not going to buy these puzzles books [yes she is as cheapo as I am] and neither does she the time to stick at the computer just to play Sudoku online. I guess there’s where our lifestyle differs!

Anyway, I found it for her and decided to share it with you! Check out the link for free printable Sudoko puzzles! The only problem is that… hmmm…. solutions are not provided. Or at least I could not find any!

A Guide To Online Gaming

I was chatting with a friend the other night. He just discovered how exciting online gaming is. I take it as entertainment and he should too so I told him that he must not get addicted to it even though an online casino could be as glitzy as a real casino!

I have visited many online casinos, casino forums, review sites and directories before but Online Casinos Dir totally stands out with its simplicity. You will get the usual casino guides from playing video poker to blackjack to bingo and you will also get to read up on the latest casino news and updates. I find that keeping abreast with the latest happenings in the casino world, particularly online casinos, is of utmost importance even if you are only an amateur online casino player.

My sister told me that her new interest is in slots. Out of curiosity, I checked up what slots is all about from Online Casinos Directory and was pretty surprised that there are quite a few types of slots! And here I was thinking that there was only one!

If you have an interest in online gaming then this is one site that you should check out. Find out which casino offers you the best bonuses or learn about a new casino game. It’s like reading an eBook.

Free Stock Photos

Image courtesy of Free Photos Bank

As webmasters and bloggers, we need a lot of photos. I do take my own photos but they seem not enough to go around all the time. Well, I have TWENTY blogs, you know?

But I guess that as with most websites that offer free photos or free stock photos, each time you use one of the photos from this website you are required to link to the site. Giving credit is normal.

Free Photos Bank has quite a huge database of free photos from nature to life to abstract. I spent quite some time going through the photos on the site but do not have an idea yet what to do with the photos. Check them out and see if you have better use for them.

Enjoy Italian Music and Videos

I remember a long time ago, I tried to learn Italian. I had a friend who took Italian lessons in school and I envied him. I made him teach me. I was in love with all things Italian at that point; Italian movies, music, language and culture. I dreamt of visiting Italy too.

I gave up studying Italian because I found it too difficult. Or perhaps my friend was a bad teacher. Although I failed to get a grasp of the language, I continued to love watching Italian movies and listening to Italian songs. I find that when I listen to foreign music, I may not understand the lyrics but I could feel the emotions of the melody.

Just now I learned of this website called Testi and Canzoni. This is a website that has a huge database of Italian hit lyrics. Of course, they also have English and French songs besides Italian.

What else can you do at Testi and Canzoni besides singling along with your favorite tracks, since you can get hold of the lyrics easily? Well, watch music videos, of course. Basically, Testi and Canzoni is an entertainment website where you can enjoy the latest hits in the charts. Like I said, you don’t need to know the language to enjoy the creativity of the Italians.

And if you do want to buy a particular album, you can easily click out from the website and purchase the album, or track. I like this feature because it saves me time from searching on the web just to buy one particular track, you know?

And it is kind of funny that the other day, I thought that I would look for the lyrics of Amy Winehouse’s Back To Black. This is not Italian but I still found it on Testi and Canzoni. They do have an English section too!

International Photography Contest 2008 for Kids

Image courtesy of National Geographic Society

I have written on quite a number of photography competitions but if memory serves me right, this is the first time I am featuring a photography contest that is open for children only.

This international photography contest for kids is organized by National Geographic Society so you can expect high quality entries. However, according to the website, this is an international contest but as far as I could see, this contest is open to residents of the United States, Canada and a handful of international countries. To view a full list of qualifying countries, click HERE.

I think that thus contest will serve as a great platform for children who are interested in photography, or aspiring to be professional photographers. I wished that there were such exciting contests for me when I was a kid!

Forum For Online Gaming

While some people think that online gambling is bad, I do not see it as a problem as long as we are not addicted to it and know when to stop. Also, we should see it as entertainment and not as a means of earning, though I know that there are professional gamblers who are very successful at the casinos.

When it comes to gaming, I prefer to play games that require some skills. My sister, however, is lazy to use her brains and would rather depend entirely on luck, playing roulette, and her current favorite, online slots. Online slots, also known as video slots are a little complex than slots in regular land casinos but like I said, since we are only playing for fun and entertainment, it does not matter much.

So, with so many online casinos offering video slots, do you know which offers the most benefits to players? Check out Gambling Forum where they have made a comparison chart of some of the major online casinos. You can see for yourself which casino will give you free spins, bonuses and jackpots!

Although we play for fun, I still think it is important to compare casinos and look for the one that gives us the best advantages and benefits. After all, we will be “investing” time and money, right?