Free Fat Boned T-shirt

Images courtesy of Fat Boned

I am not a skateboarder but when I chanced upon this website, Fat Boned, I was delighted because my friend has a few sons who are avid skateboarders who represent the State in skateboarding competitions.

I thought that I will let them know about this new community website for skateboarders so that they could mingle with skateboarders from around the world and learn something new from them, share ideas, thoughts and also tricks!

Fat Boned is giving away free t-shirts to users who are willing to test their website that is now in Beta. If you would like an invite, you are required to fill out a form to request for one. I guess if you are one of the lucky people to be selected, you will receive a free t-shirt.

It is not stated if this freebie is available worldwide but if you are outside the United States, there’s no harm trying, right?

Free Fresh WordPress Themes

Image courtesy of ThemeTation

As you know, as a semi-pro blogger, I am continuously on the lookout for fresh new Blogger layouts and WordPress themes. While blog hopping, I chanced upon this new WordPress themes from a local Malaysian blogger, Kai Loon Although there are only a handful of free WordPress themes on this site, ThemeTation, I have to say that I already downloaded one. You know how high standard I am, don’t you?

Too bad I do not have the time yet to upload the theme to my server and try it out. I would like to spend a little more time to customize each theme I use to fit my requirements and I do hope that ThemeTaton’s theme CryBook will be able to provide me with what I want. It’s just too bad that I do not know a lot more CSS!

If you are like me, looking for WordPress themes and Blogger layouts but can’t seem to find the “perfect” one, check out ThemeTation and see if they have what you like.

LilyPie Free Baby Time Tracker

Image courtesy of Lilypie

I have seen the use of Lilypie time tracker on many of my Mummy Blogger friends’ blogs. I love their cute graphics but too bad I can’t use this tracker because these are baby time trackers only.

Lilypie has many different childish graphic sets that you could select from to use for your baby time tracker and after entering the required information, you will be able to embed the generated code on your blog.

If you have a blog, especially one that is on your toddlers, you should use this to track their age or an important event like their birthdays. Lilypie is one of the well-accepted baby time trackers among mothers so it must be able to meet the requirements of mothers. I would use it if I could.

DigiScrap Depot

Image courtesy of DigiScrap Depot

I am a fan of digiscrapping though I can’t seem to find the time to do anything about it. I know that once I start, I will be totally addicted to it that I would not be able to manage my work well. I am far behind as it is! I keep telling myself that I would have plenty of time to play with digiscrapping once I retire. I imagine myself as a little old lady fiddling with digiscrapping programs on the computer. LOL

This morning, as I was searching for free digiscrap stuff doe my sister, I came across DigiScrap Depot. Of all the digiscrapping sites that I have featured on my blogs before, i don’t believe that I have written about them before.

If you love digiscrapping too, check them out. All freebies are arranged according to themes so it makes it really easy to find what you want. The theme for September, by the way, is Grandparents’ Day.

Free Condoms, Maybe

Image courtesy of Jolly Johns

Every once in a while I come across oddball freebies from my daily search on the internet for freebies, giveaways, samples and other cheapskate promotions. Today, I get to know of this free condom website. Now, there is a catch, though. If you want free condoms, you will need to sign up with their affiliate programs, collect points and then redeem free condoms.

I don’t like to sign up to affiliates, especially those that are on trial because it is not going to be easy to cancel your subscription or membership. The real free ones are OK, though. Now, I what I do not understand is why would anyone want to go through all the trouble for free CONDOMS? Are they so expensive? Could one wait for free CONDOMS to be delivered?

I am sure you know that I have my own ecommerce store and there was once that I contemplated selling condoms too but a friend told me that shipping would be a problem due to heat which could damage the rubber of condoms and if the condoms leak, I would have lawsuits on my hands. Think about it.

Create A Free Wiki

Image courtesy of Wetpaint

I was searching for web freebies when I came across this website called Wetpaint. I have never heard of it before but it’s a wiki site. Perhaps I may have seen a Wetpaint wiki widget on some site or other but it did not register. Anyway, I am sure everyone has heard of Wikipedia before. Well, this one runs on the same concept. By the way, Wiki seems to be all the rage lately, right?

I visited some Wetpaint wiki pages and it looks like a lot of people just booked their names without adding content. Also, I see Google AdSense being used and I wonder whose AdSense account is being used. Members’ or Wetpaint’s?

If you are looking for a wiki page, perhaps it is good to start one on Wetpaint and not get lost in an already established site like Wikipedia.

Let me know if you already have a Wetpaint Wiki.

Free 2GB USB Flash Drive

Images courtesy of VeriSign, Inc.

While searching for freebies on the web this morning, I came across this freebie from VeriSign, Inc. I am sure most of us web surfers are familiar with the company already, right?

To get your hands on this freebie of a 2 GB USB Flash Drive, just fill out the form to request for a copy of technical white paper, entitled “How to Offer the Strongest SSL Encryption.”

This freebie offer is only valid to the first two hundred respondents. Lucky recipients of the 2GB USB Flash Drive (I want! I want!) will be contacted by VeriSign, Inc. by mail within 4 – 6 weeks.

I am unsure if this freebie offer is available worldwide, though all countries are listed in the drop down menu of the form. So, if you would like to try your luck, do so. :)

Once you have filled out the form with your particulars, you will be given a download link. Download the free white paper, though you won’t know if you will be getting the freebie offer. Keep your fingers crossed, though!