Tag Archives: free crochet pattern

Free Crochet Patterns

Image courtesy of Happy Yellow House!

I always wanted to learn to crochet properly. I used to do it in my own way and my knots kept getting undone and my yarn unravels, spoiling my handiwork. I thought that if I could do it properly, I would have many things to crochet but I guess I will never be able to find the time. If I do have the time, I would probably prefer to rest my fingers! LOL

In any case, I do have a few friends who are very good with crocheting. They get their crochet patterns from imported magazines, which I thought is pretty costly. Yarn and accessories are not cheap already, you know, so they should think of saving a little money in other ways to indulge in their hobby!

Happy Yellow House! has a good selection of free crochet patterns for non-commercial use. If you have no project to work on, it’s a good time to check out Happy Yellow House! for fresh crochet ideas.