Tag Archives: Facebook

Download 6 Free Songs

Image courtesy of Brueggers

Looks like every other company is utilizing Facebook and other social media networks for advertising and promotion. I am not sure if it’s good or bad but I think it’s rather limited, unless you consider the spamming that goes to the newsfeed and profiles. I don’t even check the newsfeed and almost always miss out on such postings on friends’ profiles.

Anyway, if you like freebies, especially free songs, Bruegger’s is giving away 6 free tracks for download but you would first have to “Like” their Facebook page first. I see that three of my friends have already done so.

Right now, I am not able to tell you what are the songs available. You’d have to Like the page to gain access but then you can always Unlike soon after. LOL

Free ONE Condoms

Image courtesy of ONE Condoms

Being a regular Facebook user, I come across many freebies and fan gifts from companies trying to promote their products. This one is by ONE Condoms and they are giving away a total of 25,000 free condoms to the first 25,000 people who become a fan of their Facebook page.

Wow, that’s a lot of condoms to give away, huh? if you would like to have a free ONE Condom, click on the link I have enclosed in this post. Remember, in order to receive your freebie, you will have to be at least 18 years old. Also, I didn’t check, since I don’t have use for any condoms, this offer is probably just available for fans in the United States. Please leave a comment if this works for you. Thanks!

Free $1 FarmVille Cash

Image courtesy of Farmville

Did you read about the British boy who spent over a thousand Pounds on FarmVille on Facebook recently, exchanging real cash for FarmVille virtual cash? I think that anyone who does that has too much money to waste. People like me play free games only and if I level up slow, then so be it. There are so many other games to play in the meantime.

Here is the link that I was told would give the FarmVille farmer free $1 FarmVille dollar. You have to be logged into your Facebook account and then only click on the link. It worked for some people but I tried it and didn’t get anything in my Gift Box. My FV cash was still a miserable $5. Oh well…. but no, I am not going to trade real for virtual cash!

Try this link for your free $1 FarmVille dollar and let me know if it works for you!

Facebook Favorite Games Application

I wrote in a post not too long ago that I have had friends sending me invites to join them on Facebook. When Facebook was newly launched, they adopted a closed door policy where you can’t know what’s happening with the site unless you sign up.

To be frank, I don’t really want to join another social site because I don’t use these sites and only log in when I receive a private message but with all the invitations to join, I feel like I am snubbing my friends so I may succumb to the pressure.

A few days ago, I read that Facebook is very addictive. There are many applications that we could add to our profile like the Favorite Games application.

If you have read my other blog, you would know that I am someone who gets easily addicted to games. As it is, I am already spending too much time playing games. If I were to set up a profile on Facebook, I could add this Favorite Games to my profile to track all the games that I have played, am playing and would like to play.

I could also track other people’s game profile and this is the best way to look for interesting games to try out and buy instead of searching everywhere on the internet for news and reviews. Oh, oh… there goes my resolution to stay away from games!!!

Shall I sign up with Facebook yet? I am trying to hold off as long as possible!