Tag Archives: Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo

Checking Out Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo’s DVD Vol. 2

It’s 5am over here and I am still up because I am watching the newly released Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo’s DVD Vol 2. If you have watched the first edition, you will know that this is the highly anticipated follow up.

I went to the Official Website daily waiting for news of this release and here I am, watching it and trying not to laugh aloud!

If you have watched the Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo anime before, you will know that this is a story of a guy with six feet long steel nose hair that he uses to beat the baddies. If you haven’t watched it before, I am sorry for scaring you! You may think what am I talking about a guy with power in his nose hair?

Well, watch Bobobo-bo Bo-bobo and expect to be blown away with oddball humor. Sometimes you just think that it is too outrageous, to insane to be believable and one obviously can’t get away with these things in real life but they never failed to make me laugh!

This DVD is released by Illumitoon and there are four episodes in the DVD. The funny thing is that the titles referenced FOOD. There’s Pasta… The Perfect Food!, Queen Chicken Level and the Video Store of Dumb and also We All Scream for Ice Cream! My, I am hungry already!

You may think that this anime is so childish but I bet that you will enjoy it along with your kids. Let your nose hair down and just enjoy the parody and jokes!