Category Archives: Recipes

Free Gooseberry Patch Fall Favorites Cookbook

Images courtesy of Gooseberry Patch

Here’s a freebie for all of us who like experimenting in the kitchen. I do too, but have to confess that i don’t have time to do that anymore. Besides, who would eat all my food?

This free cookbook actually contains all recipes that use Sun-Maid® Raisins & Dried Fruit. They sound really delicious even though I haven’t seen the recipes yet because unfortunately, this freebie offer is only available to U.S. and Canada addresses. What’s new, huh?

If you are interested, do send in your request as soon as possible as this freebie is subject to withdrawal without prior notice. There is a limit of one cookbook per household only. And remember to allow up to four weeks for delivery.

Free Budget Recipe Book

Image courtesy of California Olive Committee

I love to experiment in the kitchen but these few years, I hardly have time to try out new dishes. Heck, I don’t even remember the stuff I put into my mouth these days! Still, I love collecting recipes and kid myself that one day, when I have the time, I will dig everything out and try cooking them all.

If you love to try out new dishes too, and with the downturn, what better kind of recipes to try that low cost ones, this is a recipe book that you should request for. It’s courtesy of California Olive Committee so this freebie is only available to people in America. International readers would have to view recipes online.

Since I do not have the recipe book with me, I am not able to let you know how easy the dishes are to prepare. I believe, though, that most require generous use of ripe olives.

Free Recipe Videos

Image courtesy of YouTube Delicious

A friend of mine is learning how to cook so I handed her a couple of my recipe books. These are recipes that I have collected over the years and painstakingly pasted into books. You know, last time we did not have access to the internet so this was the best I could do. I also showed her my recipe collection blog.

My friend reverted to me and said that she is lazy to learn if she has to read and read. She is more a visual person so I guess she would learn better by watching videos, which led me to discover this website called YouTube Delicious for her.

Be warned, this website is ad intensive. However, if you focus on the videos, you should do fine. There are quite a few wonderful video recipes and would be well worth your visit if you just tread carefully.

Free Summer Turkey Recipes

Images courtesy of Butterball

A friend told me that she is not ready for winter yet. I was like, “What? Autumn isn’t here yet. And in fact, summer isn’t over yet. There’s still another month to go!” Well, this would not hold water if you live in a tropical country or the southern hemisphere, though. Tee hee!

Anyway, that gave me an idea to look for summer recipes. There is still another month of summer so let’s ENJOY it, right? Now is definitely not the time to think about autumn or winter yet!

I found Butterball website, a turkey company that has a very good range of free turkey summer recipes. I’m not a creative cook, I must say, so any graphical recipe with easy to follow instructions would be most helpful. Butterball has them. Check the website out yourself.

Free Bento Recipes [Bento Art]

Image courtesy of Just Bento

Quite a few of my friends, who are young mothers, are absolutely crazy about Bento, the cute Japanese lunch boxes. Packing Bentos is an art form called Bento Art and if you search the web for Bento art images, you surely would be blown away by their creativity.

I really do not have time for Bento or Bento Art but then I don’t have children. Even though I am busy, I still have time to appreciate Bento and Bento art from the blogs of friends who indulge in this popular Japanese art form.

If you are looking for Bento recipes, no matter if you are new to Bento art or an old hand already, Makiko Itoh runs this blog called Just Bento where you will be able to find awesome free Bento recipes. Makiko is Japanese, obviously, so you cannot get more authentic Japanese Bento recipes than these!

Free Jolly Cook Recipes

Image courtesy of Jolly Cook

My sister told me that she will be hosting a dinner over Memorial weekend. She is a little apprehensive since this will be her first formal dinner at her new home. She even had to buy brand new sets of silverware!

I found this Jolly Cook website for her which has a wide variety of recipes which she could try out and then present to her guests this coming weekend. It surely will be a good few days of cooking experiment for her!

What I like about Jolly Cook is that we could print out the recipes in print-friendly format. In fact, we could print out all of the recipes and compile a cookbook!

Free Native American Recipes

Image courtesy of NativeTech

My young cousin, now not so young anymore, is studying to be a chef. He’s lucky that his parents didn’t object to that! I love food too and in fact, run a recipe blog, which unfortunately is now at the moment but I am not as dedicated or passionate to want to become a professional cook.

Every chance I have, I will ask my cousin to cook something different for us. I thought of testing his cooking skills this time he comes home and found this website of Native American recipes for him to try out. I know that none of us here has been exposed to Native American dishes at all but at least, it would be something different and probably quite a challenge for my cousin to cook.

If you are looking for Native American recipes as well, hop over to NativeTech for their very comprehensive collection of Native American recipes. Free, of course!