Tag Archives: stem cell preservation

Save $400 On C’elle Stem Cell Preservation

I first heard of stem cells from a pregnant friend who wanted to preserve the baby’s stem cells in case there was a need for them in the future. I thought to myself that it is too bad that this scientific technology wasn’t available back then during my time.

I later learned that even though we are adults now, ladies have a second chance at insuring their future health and that of their close family members like siblings and children, by preserving stem cells extracted from menstrual blood. Frankly, I used to think that menstruation is something that’s unnecessary but of course I have since changed my mind.

From now until 30th April, 2009, C’elle is running a promotion whereby we could enroll in a stem cell preservation program for only $299, a savings of $400. The promotional code to use is CN400.

The preservation of stem cells is all the more important for people with a family history of illnesses like stroke, cancer, diabetes, heart diseases and other hereditary diseases that are all too common in modern society.

Enrolling in a stem cell preservation program is like taking out health insurance on our future health and that of our close family members. Seriously, $299 is just a small price to pay!