Tag Archives: illustrator freebies

Graphic & Illustrator Freebies From CreateSk8

Image courtesy of CreateSk8s

For a website that offers free graphics and illustrator freebies, CreateSk8 oddly does not have a graphic heavy webpage layout. In fact, the layout is so plain that I do not even have a good header for my post!

That’s unimportant, though, because what is more important is the content. I tell you, I am highly impressed with these high quality graphics and illustrator freebies that CreateSk8 is giving away for free. Of course, they do offer premium stuff as well but if you are building a non-commercial project, these are good to go.

It is just too bad that although I know quality when I see it, I don’t have any creativity in even making the best use of these graphics and illustrator freebies. Gosh… why am I not born artistic at all? In any case, check these freebies out right now! You won’t regret it!