Tag Archives: free webspace

Free Web Space

Image courtesy of Free Web Space Inc.

As a webmaster with more than ten websites, I certainly understand that it could cause a financial strain if you have too many sites to host. If you want to set up a website as a hobby for fun and do not mind some advertisements placed on your website, then perhaps you want to check out this free webspace that is offered by Free Web Space Inc.

Well, I do not know if they are good, neither do I know if they are reliable because I have not hosted with them before but judging from the testimonials that they have received, users of their free web space seems happy enough with the service.

Free Domain Name, Web Space & Hosting

Image courtesy of 2ip.com

Although I already have more than enough domains, I sometimes like to find websites that offer free web space and hosting because websites like these usually make web building easy with their ready made template so I could just send a redirect to the site that I built.

Today, I discovered 2ip.com and I was very happy because they provide free domain name, 100MB web space and hosting too. I filled out the form and almost clicked the submit button when I read the Terms of Service that the service is not available to residents of Malaysia and a handful of other countries. Bah! Can’t they write this upfront in bold before I filled out the form?

Anyway, although I can’t make use of it, I could still share my discovery with you all. The domain name that is free is actually sub domains but they are unique like biografi.biz or profil.tv

I think 2ip.com provides a great service and product for people just starting out to host their own websites. This is a great learning platform since you do not have to buy your own domain and hosting while you test out your website building skills.