Image courtesy of Digital Scrapbook Faves
I believe I mentioned before that one of the best designed blogs or websites are scrapbooking sites. While designing sites are also great looking, I prefer the colors used in scrapbooking sites. That’s my kind of color; girly, young, fresh and refreshing.
Last night, I remembered that I was supposed to help my sister look for some scrapbooking freebies and ideas. She has just started this hobby and has been doing traditional scrapbooking, which she says is a little costly.
That’s why I suggested helping her look for scrapbooking freebies on the web. There are many, and I have featured quite a few sites before but I don’t remember coming across this Digital Scrapbook Faves before. I absolutely adore the template of this site. It’s so sweet! Check it out! I feel like taking up scrapbooking as well but I definitely cannot spare the time at this point. SIGH!!!