Images courtesy of BeingGirl
My sister asked me if I could find Always Infinity for sale in Malaysia. She said it is highly recommended. However, unfortunately, it looks like it is still not available in Malaysia.

However, in my search online, I came across this website, BeingGirl by Procter & Gamble that is offering a free sample kit that consists of 2 Tampax Pearl Tampons, 1 Compak Pearl Tampon, 1 Always Infinity Maxi-Pad, 2 Always Pantiliners, and 1 Always Feminine Wipe.
I also understand that there is a coupon provided in the sample kit which is good either for a free Always Infinity package or for a discount. I am not sure but this is definitely a sample kit that ladies should request for!
This sample kit is only available to residents of the United States of America and is limited to one per household. Once you have submitted your request, please allow 3 – 4 weeks for delivery.