I was browsing the web this morning randomly when I came upon this awesome sweepstakes.

Images courtesy of My Home Ideas
How about a chance to win a HOUSE? Yes, you heard right! While this is not the first time that I have stumbled upon a contest that gives away a house as a prize, this is probably the only contest in a long while that does not require an entry fee or purchase to be eligible for the sweepstakes.

What you are required to do is just to full out the form with your personal particulars, select the free email newsletters that you would like to receive and get ready to win the 2008 Idea House in Windmark Beach, Florida, the United States of America.
Entries for this sweepstakes are accepted from August 1, 2008 at 8:00 a.m. CDST. This sweepstakes will close at 5:00 p.m. CDST on September 30, 2008. Only one entry per email account per day is allowed. This sweepstakes is only eligible for legal residents of the United States of legal age. Good luck everybody!