Tag Archives: ear-rings

Free Pair of Earrings

Image courtesy of Make Me Chic

I believe that all girls love collecting ear-rings though being female myself, I do wonder why we need so many. After all, we only have two ear-lobes.

Anyway, if you would love to receive a free pair of earrings, Seventeen magazine, the online edition, is giving away 20000 pairs of earrings to their female readers between the ages of 13 to 29 living in any of the 48 contiguous states within the United States.

This freebie giveaway is valid from 2nd Aug, 2010 at 12.01am PST until 13th Sept, 2010 11.59pm PST so there is still another month to go, though this giveaway blitz is only valid while stocks last. The picture shows a very pretty pair of earrings so make your request early. I hope you get it! Let me know!