Image courtesy of Free Samples and Loops
I was searching for free audio this morning, after being told of a site that we can download free audio files except that we had to pay for them. BUT you know that I am a cheapo and that I would not pay for anything unless I absolutely have to. And I certainly do not have to pay for audio files because there surely are websites out there offering free audio files for download?
I stumbled upon this free samples and loops website which I have to say, on first sight, looks like a MFA website. I didn’t even realise there was any free audio files for download until I clicked on one of the links at the top of the page. Yeah, they blend the colours so well.
Anyway, after clicking on the link, I was taken to another page and then only was I given the download link. Phew!!! I have not downloaded these free music files yet because we would need a Bittorrent client for that and I do not have it in my computer. So that will have to wait. Bah!