Image courtesy of Radox
If you love a light-hearted read, especially if you are female, or at least a male who would like to know more about women, this is the book that you should get your hands on. Apparently, it is the talk of town already because it is just too hilarious. It’s Kathy Lette’s All Steamed Up.
Click on the link that I have enclosed in this post to request for a free copy of splash proof All Steamed Up. There are a total of 10,000 exclusive copies to be given away. Although it is not stated, I gather that this freebie offer is only available to residents of the United Kingdom.
If you are not in the UK, worry not. You can still download a copy of the audio book and better still, sync it to your iPod or iPhone and have the book read out to you while you’re on the move. I’m downloading a copy as I am writing this post.